
Merlin the Magician's Scrapbook
My name is Bill Palmer. I am a magician, a writer, and an actor . For 26 years, I performed at the Texas Renaissance Festival, near Houston, Texas, as Merlin the Magician.
I am now in retirement. This web site is basically my scrapbook.
If you are one of my old friends or old clients, I may be cajoled into a performance for a special event. So, if you have something special you want me to do for you, drop me an e-mail.
The 2000 Texas Renaissance Festival season
marked the end of the Merlin show, as far as the Renaissance Festivals are concerned. For information on my final season
at the Texas Renaissance Festival, click here.
Special BulletinI now own a publishing company, specializing in
magic books and props for the discerning magician. You may visit Adesso Verlag by clicking on its name.
For various and sundry awards I have been given, click here.For biographical and other personal information, click here.

I also collect cups and balls.
The cups and balls is the oldest magic trick on record. My collection is housed in the Cups and Balls Museum,
an on-line display devoted to this ancient piece of magic.
To visit the museum, click on the big cup below.

If you are a real fan of magic, and you are troubled by the recent exposures of magic secrets on television, click here.
No Magical Exposures
In addition to being a magician, I am also a musician. For more information on my music, click here.

I recently became the owner of an unusual harpsichord. If you are a harpsichordist or a harpsichord technician, click here.

you are a banjo player, and you would like some hints that may help you set up your banjo, click here.

To follow the latest results of the Tone Bell™ tests, click here.

For information on Cowboy Action Shooting®, one of the fastest growing sports in North America, click here.

For many interesting links concerning various subjects, including magic and music,
click here.

Special Bulletin
All pages on this site © Bill Palmer. All rights reserved. For permission to republish contact Bill Palmer at the above e-mail address.

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