Merlin the Magician's Final Season
My final season at the Texas Renaissance Festival was truly gratfying. I wish to thank all of you who came by to see me off and to watch my shows. There were many old friends there.
Among the "Rogues Gallery" of old friends were:
Quentin Smith--of Collector's Firearms.
"Captain" Harold Gunn--long time friend and schoolmate.
Mr. And Mrs. Buford Purvis--who have come to every Texas Renaissance Festival since the first one
Bob Tench--another one of my friends for 26 years of performance at the Texas Renaissance Festival
Cherie Sanders--magician, hypnotist and comedian extraordinaire.
Bill Parker, pyrotechnician and magician.
James Austin Banner--master illusionist
And hundreds of my other friends in magic, music, theatre, and most important--audience members.
We had two marriage proposals on stage during the show.
We performed 56 shows, rain or shine.
It was a great year and a wonderful way to leave a show.
Much of this was made possible by a wonderful theatre.
First, the Renaissance Festival has built a new theatre--the Odeon--which is located at the site of the old Player's Podium. This is the largest theatre on the Texas Renaissance festival site--probably the largest at any Renaissance Festival in the world!
The Odeon Theatre

And here I am at the Odeon, performing the Cup and Ball

Much of the success of this year's shows was made possible by a person who is a real pleasure to work with--Adrian Wyatt, as Nimuë
Here is Adrian, seen coming out of the Sword Basket.
Merlin Wins Top Award at 26th Annual Texas Renaissance Festival
I was awarded the Philip Hafer Memorial MVP Award by Jeff Baldwin, director of the Texas Renaissance Festival.Future Plans
I will still be performing in corporate venues and at private parties. I will even be performing as Merlin from time to time.
In fact, you can book me for your own event, just by using my e-mail link, bill@billpalmer.com
But I have some other plans that are quite exciting!
So e-mail me and I will let you know what is going on!!!!
All pages on this site © Bill Palmer. All rights reserved. For permission to republish contact Bill Palmer at the above e-mail address.
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