Three Eyed Willy's Medicine Show Wagon
Here is an idea for a gun cart. The inspiration came from the fact that I have been a magician for a long time. I wanted something a little different. Several of the people in the clubs I shoot with have very clever, distinctive wagons. There are stagecoaches, chuckwagons, conestogas, buckboards and even ordinary Radio Flyer wagons that have gun racks on the side.
I wanted something this distinctive, yet different. The requirements were that the guns had to travel upright with the actions open, I had to be able to store plenty of ammo and tools, and I wanted it to be on a 4-wheel wagon frame. It also had to be foldable.
I had never seen a gun cart designed as a medicine show wagon. Few pictures of these wagons exist anyway. I finally located a couple and found that they went to extremes--some were as ornate as a calliope, others quite simple. Not being a great graphics artist, I chose the latter.
A fellow called J.J. Ricochet offered a set of plans for a gun wagon. These inspired the gun rack. The rest came from various ideas in catalogs and other pictures. The result is shown below.
Three Eyed Willy's Medicine Show Wagon
The sign reads "Three Eyed Willy's Electric Elixir & Snakebite Remedy"
The rack holds 2 Marlin lever action rifles, 2 Model '97 shotguns and 2 double barrelled guns with the actions open. The guns are held in place by means of leather strips with snap fasteners on the ends, so any gun can be removed from the rack without disturbing the others.
I drew the signs up on Corel Draw, took the files to FastSigns, and they executed them for me in vinyl.
© 1999 Bill Palmer. To reproduce this page contact Bill Palmer.